Booster Executive Board

The Cass Band Booster is the non-profit organization that supports our band students and includes ALL parents. It allows the band directors to focus on developing the talent of our students by coordinating activities for the band and by providing additional resources where necessary. We work closely with the band directors, who are also members of the Band Booster Organization, to assist them in any way possible.
In this day of cutbacks and funding decreases, it is essential that we supplement the limited funds that are allocated to the band budget in order to enhance the educational experience of our students. The best thing you can do is become active in the Boosters. That doesn’t mean you have to volunteer for everything, but your participation is encouraged, appreciated, and needed. It takes an army of volunteers to make things run smoothly for the band, and although they won’t admit it, your kids actually like having their parents involved in band activities!


2024 Booster Board Members 

President- Lindsey Langhans
Vice President- Amy Barlow​​
Secretary- Michelle Herring
Treasurer- Jennifer Armstead
Co-Treasurer- Becky Moser
Ways & Means Chair- Katie Dawson
Volunteer Coordinator- Tosha Hoskins
Concession Chair- Lauri Brown
Fundraising Chair- Valerie Crisp
Community Planning- Kenny Moser
Contest Coordinator- Dan Armstead
Operations Chair- Dan Armstead



Booster Club E-Mail:
Paypal: @CassBandBoosters